Device identifier: MAC address on Android and UUID on iOS.
Is device connectable. [iOS only]
User friendly name of device.
Device's custom manufacturer data. Its format is defined by manufacturer.
Current Maximum Transmission Unit for this device. When device is not connected default value of 23 is used.
Device name if present
List of overflow service UUIDs. [iOS only]
Current Received Signal Strength Indication of device
Map of service UUIDs (as keys) with associated data (as values).
List of available services visible during scanning.
List of solicited service UUIDs.
Transmission power level of device.
{@link #blemanagercharacteristicsfordevice|bleManager.characteristicsForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
{@link Service} UUID.
Promise which emits array of {@link Characteristic} objects which are discovered for a Device in specified {@link Service}.
{@link #blemanagerdescriptorsfordevice|bleManager.descriptorsForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
{@link Service} UUID.
{@link Characteristic} UUID.
Promise which emits array of {@link Descriptor} objects which are discovered for this {@link Characteristic}.
{@link #blemanagerdiscoverallservicesandcharacteristicsfordevice|bleManager.discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristicsForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
Transaction handle used to cancel operation
Promise which emits Device object if all available services and characteristics have been discovered.
{@link #blemanagerisdeviceconnected|bleManager.isDeviceConnected()} with partially filled arguments.
Promise which emits true
if device is connected, and false
{@link #blemanagermonitorcharacteristicfordevice|bleManager.monitorCharacteristicForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
{@link Service} UUID.
{@link Characteristic} UUID.
callback which emits {@link Characteristic} objects with modified value for each notification.
optional transactionId
which can be used in
{@link #blemanagercanceltransaction|bleManager.cancelTransaction()} function.
Subscription on which remove()
function can be called to unsubscribe.
{@link #blemanagerondevicedisconnected|bleManager.onDeviceDisconnected()} with partially filled arguments.
callback returning error as a reason of disconnection if available and Device object. If an error is null, that means the connection was terminated by {@link #blemanagercanceldeviceconnection|bleManager.cancelDeviceConnection()} call.
Subscription on which remove()
function can be called to unsubscribe.
{@link #blemanagerreadcharacteristicfordevice|bleManager.readCharacteristicForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
{@link Service} UUID.
{@link Characteristic} UUID.
optional transactionId
which can be used in
{@link #blemanagercanceltransaction|bleManager.cancelTransaction()} function.
Promise which emits first {@link Characteristic} object matching specified UUID paths. Latest value of {@link Characteristic} will be stored inside returned object.
{@link #blemanagerreaddescriptorfordevice|bleManager.readDescriptorForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
{@link Service} UUID.
{@link Characteristic} UUID.
{@link Descriptor} UUID.
optional transactionId
which can be used in
{@link #blemanagercanceltransaction|cancelTransaction()} function.
Promise which emits first {@link Descriptor} object matching specified UUID paths. Latest value of {@link Descriptor} will be stored inside returned object.
{@link #blemanagerreadrssifordevice|bleManager.readRSSIForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
Transaction handle used to cancel operation.
This device with updated RSSI value.
{@link #blemanagerrequestconnectionpriorityfordevice|bleManager.requestConnectionPriorityForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
Transaction handle used to cancel operation.
Connected device.
{@link #blemanagerrequestmtufordevice|bleManager.requestMTUForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
Transaction handle used to cancel operation.
Device with updated MTU size. Default value is 23.
{@link #blemanagerservicesfordevice|bleManager.servicesForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
Promise which emits array of {@link Service} objects which are discovered by this device.
{@link #blemanagerwritecharacteristicwithresponsefordevice|bleManager.writeCharacteristicWithResponseForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
{@link Service} UUID.
{@link Characteristic} UUID.
Value in Base64 format.
optional transactionId
which can be used in
{@link #blemanagercanceltransaction|bleManager.cancelTransaction()} function.
Promise which emits first {@link Characteristic} object matching specified UUID paths. Latest value of characteristic may not be stored inside returned object.
{@link #blemanagerwritecharacteristicwithoutresponsefordevice|bleManager.writeCharacteristicWithoutResponseForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
{@link Service} UUID.
{@link Characteristic} UUID.
Value in Base64 format.
optional transactionId
which can be used in
{@link #blemanagercanceltransaction|bleManager.cancelTransaction()} function.
Promise which emits first {@link Characteristic} object matching specified UUID paths. Latest value of characteristic may not be stored inside returned object.
{@link #blemanagerwritedescriptorfordevice|bleManager.writeDescriptorForDevice()} with partially filled arguments.
{@link Service} UUID.
Characteristic UUID
Descriptor UUID
Value to be set coded in Base64
Transaction handle used to cancel operation
Descriptor which saved passed value.
Generated using TypeDoc
Device instance which can be retrieved only by calling {@link #blemanagerstartdevicescan|bleManager.startDeviceScan()}.